Solution on forgetting your WordPress admin password

It is a English version of this solution. Chinese version is also available, it can be found with

This solution is for forgetting the WordPress personal website admin password while having trouble resetting that with email. I set a wrong resting email address so that i am writing this blog.

This WordPress website is on a Linux Based Synology Web Station. My database is MariDB 10 and phpMyAdmin for my database management. There is some method online using mySQL sentences to resetting the password. However, it does not works for me. I just log into the database and modifying the database directly. I highly recommend important website managers not using this method. If you cannot remember the database password, too. There is a file under your WordPress root directly called wp-config.php. You can find the database password with [define (‘DB_PASSWORD’), ‘original_password’].

After successfully entering the database, select the wordpress database on the left, and find wp-users on the bottom. There is a user directory under that directory. Then you can find your password behind your username. However, the password is protected with md5. You are not that possible to get your original website password but you can reset that. There are many online md5 generator available. Generate a md5 string with them and just copy-paste to that place. Then you will find that you can log into the website with your new password.

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