
Yifei Liu | (540) 998-0446 |


Carnegie Mellon University                                                                                                 Pittsburgh, PA

Master of Science in Electrical and Computer Engineering                                                   May 2023

Selected Courses: Embedded Real-Time System, Advanced Mechatronic Design, Secure Software Systems

GPA: 3.78 / 4.0

Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University                                                          Blacksburg, VA

Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering – Controls, Robotics & Autonomy                  May 2021

GPA: 3.76 / 4.0        Four consecutive semesters in Dean’s List      


Programming Languages: Advanced – C, C++; Intermediate – Python, Java

Operating Systems: Windows, Linux (Ubuntu), MacOS

Hardware: Advanced – TI CC3220SF, MSP 432


Software Engineer Intern Pittsburgh, PA
Oracle America, Inc May.2022 – Aug.2022

• Patched Unbreakable Enterprise Kernel.
• Mined UEK commits and found several missing backport and forward-port broken commits.
• Handled and reproduced a significant IO performance regression in a newer version of UEK.
• Investigated io_uring to check the reason of performance regression.


Reservation Enforcement and Power Management on Linux Kernel                            Pittsburgh, PA

Carnegie Mellon University (Course: Embedded Real Team System)                                   Fall 2021

  • Integrated Linux kernel modules and codes to support new customized system calls.
  • Monitored running time and utilization of selected processes with high resolution timer.
  • Reserved the upper limits of selected processes with computation and period time from system call.
  • Implemented Rate Monotonic Analysis to guarantee the schedulability of each reservation request.
  • Implemented four partition policies on multi-core task affinity decision enforced by schedulability.
  • Generated Linux virtual files for showing real-time process schedule information.

Arcade Ping-Pang Ball Machine                                                                                         Pittsburgh, PA

Carnegie Mellon University (Course: Advanced Mechatronic Design)                                Fall 2021

  • Collaborated with two Mechanical Engineering students and built a complete physical solution with $150.
  • Deployed a moving hoop with H-bridge circuit and PWM to control the motor.
  • Developed error handling methods, guard, and watchdog system for real, noisy environment.

Self-Moving Sorting Robot                                                                                                  Blacksburg, VA

Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (Course: Embedded Systems)              Spring 2021

  • Led a three-person group developed a three-wheel Rover with camera and arm which can pick up target and drop it to a desired place, using TI CC3220SF board.
  • Developed wheel moving part with a PID speed controller.
  • Employed SPI and Wi-Fi techniques to collaborate with two other control units with a MQTT network protocol.
  • Improved response time through using a RTOS (Real-Time Operating System).

Minimalist AI Accelerator                                                                                                   Blacksburg, VA

Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (Course: VLSI Circuit Design)             Fall 2020

  • Utilized Virtuoso to build a Minimalist AI Accelerator, a Systolic Array Matrix Multiplier, focusing on a 4×4 matrix with 4 bit each cell via using AND Gate, 12-bit Adder, Wallace tree multiplier, and up to 12-bit DFFs as a group leader


Robotic Guide for visually impaired users                                                                               Pittsburgh, PA

Carnegie Mellon University                                                                                                           Spring 2022

  • Utilizing magnetic sensors to collect information on artificial skins to analyze the accurate location and magnitude of the applied force.
  • Reading and delivering haptic signals from a 5-sensor structure to communicate with the visually impaired user.
  • Printing necessary testing components with 3D-printers designed with AutoCAD.

Semantic Segmentation of Solidification Boundary and Keyhole in Additive Manufacturing Using Mask R-CNN and U-Net                                                                                                                 Blacksburg, VA

Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University                                                        April 2020 – July 2020

  • Trained machine learning to identify the solid-liquid (gas-liquid) intersection of 3D machine printing

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